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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Moving Day

Iris Palmer and her suitcases, London, 1997 by Tim Walker

Be back soon with pictures of my apartment!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Rocky Mountain National Park

The cutest and tiniest chipmunks!

It was amazing how different it looked at the very top.

This was the most amazing sight on the trip. 
I loved seeing all of the elk just hanging out in the mountains!


I am not a big fan of soft drinks and never have juice at my house, 
so water has always been my favorite.
In Colorado, I mostly drank naturally flavored fruit water with lemons and oranges. 

Oh my, it was so refreshing.
Peach and sage from Style Blueprint

Raspberries, orange/lemon/lime, and fresh mint from Angela Hardison

Orange and rosemary 
Source unknown

All of these look so delicious!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I spent the last five days in Erie, Colorado and it was amazing.
I had never been so I was amazed at how beautiful it was!
Flagstaff Mountain in Boulder

My sister and I at Gross Reservoir

The cutest church with the most beautiful view

Grand Lake

I loved Colorado so much!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

DIY Faux Zinc Letters

I have always admired these zinc letters from Anthropologie.
I was recently at the craft store when I saw these cardboard letters and knew I could make some myself!

Paint the letters with a silver spray paint. I used Krylon's Brushed Metallic spray paint in "Satin Brushed Nickle" found at Michaels. Let the coat dry and hang them wherever you like!

These will be going in my new kitchen two weeks from tomorrow!


Some lovely images to inspire you on this summer day

I have never been a fan of tattoos but I love this!

Image sources unknown for all of these images,
please comment if you know it and I will update the post!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Summer style.

It seems like every time I get dressed in the morning I think that I have nothing to wear. I always wear the same things because they are my favorite pieces. I realized that I have so many clothes in my closet that I don't wear that are just as cute! 
Not sure if I could do a 30 for 30 challenge just yet, but I have challenged myself to get more creative with my outfits and accessories, wear more of my closet, and try not to get stuck in a rut and wear the same things! 

Here are my inspiration pieces:

Mix and match patterns

So put together! 

Image source unknown,
please comment if you know it and I will update the post!

I am a sucker for anything embroidered